1 definition by UniversalDictionary101

Origin: Spanish (From latin).
Meaning "pure"; "like a lamb".
Inezz has 8 variant forms: Ines, Inez, Inesita, Inessa, Inetta, Ynes, Ynesita, and Ynez.

Inezz is a roller coaster of emotions, but if you love her, she will love you back ten fold, she is forgiving and has the best smile in the world and will haunt your dreams forever, but in a good way, she is also known as Nezzy, she will be your love forever as long as you love her and all her internal organs! Tell her how you feel even if you're scared, because she is a very understanding person and she will love you long time
Girl - Do you know that Inezz girl?

Boy - Yeah she is so gorgeous.

Girl - And she gives great advice!
Boy - I love Inezz.
by UniversalDictionary101 July 7, 2018
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