1 definition by Ucm.parties.2018

The ass crack of the UC system. Developed with great intentions, finished with sadness. Typical students include the not-so-smart-Asian kids, Central Valley underachievers, coastline idiots, and compulsive procrastinators. Due to its location in ? Like actually though, where the fuck is Merced. Exactly, you don’t even know. Go look it up, I’ll wait. Yeah we have giant crosses that say “Jesus Saves” next door. Despite all this, UC Merced still parties hard due to the lack of literally anything else to do and high convenience store workers that don’t ID anyone. Come here if you sucked at high school, want to party, and think you might transfer but will end up staying bc your rent is $400 a month for a big ass house.
You know that Johnny kid whose parents are doctors? I heard his parents disowned him because he only got into UC Merced. Good thing I’m going to the highly accredited university- Chico State!
by Ucm.parties.2018 August 30, 2018
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