1 definition by U_wish_u_were_nish

A boy who wishes people were more like him. He is a short and lovable cinnamon roll and is the definition of witty. He will make you laugh and make horrible jokes. He is a mysterious individual who reveals little about himself. Some may think they know him well, but the fact is, they probably don't. Some people call him funny. Some, witty. Some think he's an idiot. Whilst others say he is extremely intelligent and socially savvy. No one really knows who he is. But some say he is dangerous. He comes into people's life just as quickly as he leaves. Beware of a Nishit. He is most likely a Slytherin...
What happened to her? oh, her Nishit left her.
by U_wish_u_were_nish October 4, 2020
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