3 definitions by Tyler Norman

A form of architecture popularized in the 1960s, most commonly found on university campuses, which makes heavy use of raw, exposed concrete. These buildings often got very ugly very fast due to water stains. The name comes from the French word "brut" meaning raw.
That building is a prime example of brutalism.
by Tyler Norman June 24, 2005
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Another name for the seemingly endless hellscape that is Los Angeles, California. The term applies best at night. It's smoky, dark, and filled with Orcs.
One does not simply walk into Mordor...
by Tyler Norman November 26, 2006
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A type of pyrotechnics involving methyl alcohol, in which an ethereal-looking colored fireball is shot into the sky. Not commonly seen outside of pyro conventions.
Did you see those ghost mines go off?
by Tyler Norman August 7, 2005
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