9 definitions by Tweakumz

1. Opposite of Top tier

2. Usually the one of the worst and often un-picked character in a game. This character is usually never chosen in serious play, and more times than not has bad attacks and low defense.

3. Not great, bad
Sean, the other 48 characters in MvC2, Dan

"LOL his team is so low tier, he wordlost at the select screen/word"

"This sandwich is low tier :("

"His PNRZ was rather low tier"
by Tweakumz July 9, 2003
Get the Low tier mug.
1. Choosing low tier characters

2. Choosing the wrong groove

3. Choosing any of the OTHER 48 characters in MvC2

"Dude you are gonna get so reamed, you basically lost at the select screen."

"S groove?"
by Tweakumz July 9, 2003
Get the lost at the select screen mug.