1 definition by Tsubasa Ozora

honger is just another kinda of wannabe. who does not believe in him/her self, and tries to become smthg that they think looks cool. usually look down at any chinese who is not like them. and esp. hate those that are better than them. They try to be cool, but when shit actually come. they run away faster than superman having sex. it other words, hongers are just looks but nothing about them could be relible.
Hongers would try to enforce their fashion sense on to you by saying how much ur fashion sucks, but in reality they should really shoot whoever sold them that dress.
Hongers are also the kind of ppl who is very stubborn and so unopen-minded that they would not care about any idea other than their owns.
If u continue to think hongers are cool, no comment. wish u luck with them.
examples? well almost any snooty person.
by Tsubasa Ozora January 26, 2005
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