1 definition by True Brick-towner

First let me apologize for you having to have to read any other definition of brick-town that this website has. I'm sure you came across as embarrassed like i did when i read them, but im here to enlighten you on how people from bricktown really are. For one thing we sure as hell do not pride ourselves on being "dirtbags". Why in the world would we? The people that live in this town that sadly do, do that are either very uneducated or actually are dirtbags and have no other defense mechanism when being made fun of besides acting like they are that way bc its the cool to be dirty. And yes rediculously there are people that live in brick-town that do do this.Again i apologize for them. The majority of people are actually very sociable and easy to get along with. YOu wouldnt know that bc when advertised its usually by the jackhammers that live here and think they r nuts bc they drink busch lights 7 days a week bc they cant afford a normal flavorful beer. Yes we get along with people that live in toms river, I know i do atleast, why wouldnt we, we live 5 minutes away...And no we do not win every game of beer pong or quarters...its a game if u can win it every time call the guiness book of world records, im sure theyd like to hear your story u flamer!
dude: Im from bricktown
other dude: cool man
by True Brick-towner March 20, 2008
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