2 definitions by TracyFuckingT

Points that are earned to "scene" kids or "new jacks" for doing scene activities or having scene qualities.
EX: you can earn scene points by saying scene words, dating a scene person of the same or opposite sex, wearing really scene clothes ( tight pants, tight shirts, kangaroos ), listening to scene music ( hardcore or electro), cutting/dying/styling your hair to look like every other scene kid.
BOY1: Brah,i went and hung out at Albert Taco's after the Every Time I Die show last night.
BOY2: You just earned like 20 scene points bro.
by TracyFuckingT April 10, 2005
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Same thing as saying "fer shure" except it is only used when referring to sexual jokes,or activites.
chizzankbrah: Last night I got the best head of my life.
newjack x core: Oh fuck bro..ferspermy.
by TracyFuckingT April 10, 2005
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