1 definition by TotallyNotShoto <33

A enby trans masc man :. He is sweet, caring, and trustful. He only wishes to be happy and make his loved ones happy! He has several dogs and cats, from Cuba and lovesssss horses! He also adores milk..He is the best partner you could ask for and so understanding even if mess up badly! He tries to make everything better and will be right by his side if you call him. He is a big nerd, loves dinosaurs, space, volcanoes, and sm more!! You couldn't ask for a more perfect human <3.
Person 1: Hey! Haile stayed up with me alllllll night after I had a bad nightmare :(. /POS
Person 2: :0 really?? He is so sweet bro..
by TotallyNotShoto <33 June 28, 2023
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