1 definition by Toronto ROCKS

A large city in Canada filled with pretentious hipster douchebags. Said douchebags inevitably come from 'just outside Toronto' which means Barrie, Orillia, Owen Sound, Kingston and not Mississauga, Vaughan or Oakville. A city that has the highest per capita users in the world of electronic networking media (like lavalife and facebook and whatever else the fuck you want) b/c they live in an iPod world of their own, totally self-absorbed and lacking any depth whatsoever to carry a conversation with someone in the flesh, let alone meet someone. Toronto is not New York North as it likes to think it is, yes it has all the banks and shit b/c the separatists, rightly or wrongly, scared the shit out of the whiteys who flocked to Toronto to re-set up shop sometime in the 60's, making Toronto the "Centre of the Universe" to the aforementioned idiots and fucking Montreal in the process, which is truly the most world-class city in Canada.

The chicks are passable at best but are the hottest (in their minds) anywhere, the majority of dudes are either limpwristed metrosexuals or homosexuals and our fashion sense consists of chain stores as all the stylish shit that used to be on Queen is chainstored out.
Toronto is the fucking shit!

Where you from?
Just outside of Toronto.
Oh yeh? Like where - Oakville? Mississauga?
Nah, like Owen Sound.
by Toronto ROCKS April 14, 2010
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