1 definition by Tom Holland is the best

Aronid is a very unique name. Aronid can be very mean but only if you treat her wrong or bad.Aronid is very love able and very well made.She is a really good friend and you can trust her if you need help she would be the first to help. Aronid is funny,different,and mostly extra.She has a good popularity and a lot of friends by her side she will have some fake ones throughout the years but they don’t stop her to do her best.She has a bright future ahead of her and many good things.If you have a friend named aronid respect her and don’t do her wrong cuz she has a nice personality and she is really pretty from the inside.Aronid could sometimes be very independent but it’s for the best.If you have a friend named aronid ur lucky.
by Tom Holland is the best June 11, 2019
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