1 definition by Titi laree

The most sexiest person alive. She is everything a guy would want outta her. She is beautiful talented and so very gorgeous. If any guy were to go out with her u won't regret it. Her laugh is very contagious. Loves to sing write model step dance and act. She is a natural beauty. As long as she got ur trust and loyalty any relationship with chasity will last a life time. Her smile is amazingly beautiful very funny. Brightens ur day when u sad. A great listener. A TRUE awesome friend. Will always have ur back. Super attractive. And just everything a Godly woman would be. Charity is the best person to have ever come into anyone's life.
Friend:dude who is that
Friend 2:that's chasity faith lewis
Friend: wow she's beautiful. I want her
by Titi laree June 23, 2017
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