1 definition by ThunderPhantoMS

Today, the most popular games are Player's Unknow Battlegrounds (better knows as PUBG) and Fortnite. These two games compete. PUBG arrived first, and its goal is to be realistic. Fortnite has cartoonish graphics and it is not realistic, lots of people say (even though they love Fortnite more than PUBG) Fortnite is copy of PUBG, Minecraft, Team Fortress too. Fortnite developers combinated Battlegounds mode with other things that made some games famous (PUBG - Battlegounds mode; Minecraft - Building; Team Fortress 2 - dancing).
PUBG and Fortnite Gamers hate each others (PUBG gamers 'cause it's copy of PUBG; Fortnite - It's bored, or some random stuff), but the most usuall thing is because the like that game more.
PUBG gamers usally say (Bcause older generations curse more than children) bad things for Fortnite (exactly same Fortnite gamers do too).
Gaynite is mixed word - Fortnite + Gay, so PUBG gamers want prove that Fortnite is played by Gays.
GamerPUBG1: Hey, bro, I've just watched some Gaynite vids on Yt.
GamerPUBG2: Are you still alive?
by ThunderPhantoMS July 13, 2018
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