1 definition by Thepreppyscenester

A person (mostly teens) who is of a music scene (mostly indie, screamo, acoustic, etc.).

Female Scene Kid: Wears very tight jeans, sometimes with holes, flat shoes with bows or vans-one colored, band tees and/or old TV show tees, striped shirts, or shirts with poetic words or animals on it, a tight black or gray sweatshirt with a hood, hair: Short choppy hair with many layers, multi-colored with bangs sweeping across one eye, mainly with red, blonde, or pink highlights. A lip ring, gages, and thick eye-liner. Black or white studded belt (white is more scene)

Preppy Girl Scene Kid: Same Hair but less poofy and choppy, less multi-colored-ness in the hair, less tight but still very tight jeans, lacey shirts, or poetic words on the shirt- tight fitting, may wear a tan or brown cardigan sweater, big jewelry, flat, almost like ballet shoes, but with a small pattern and a tiny bow, and a lanyard-y, chunky belt.

Male Scene Kids: Tight plain girl jeans, sometimes they are shrunk a few times in the wash, checkered vans, a black or white studded belt (white is more scene), tight band tees, black or gray tight zip-up hoodies, lip ring and gages, short choppy hair with bangs. (scene boys mostly buy chick apparel)

Preppy Boy scene kids: Nice button-up shirts with an argyle type pattern sweater vest over it with the collar popped out, white studded belt, very tight dress jeans, either black dress shoes, or vans (has to match), might wear a blazer with a tight sweaatshirt or zip-up hoodie underneath
Hair: Either very straight and rounded with bangs over one eye or choppy multi-layered hair, if has to wear glasses, black thick rimmed is prefered, and a lip ring and size 15 gages.

im oh so scene.
I am so scene with my poetic words on my tee shirt by The Scene Aesthetic! I hope future scene kids follow me because im the scenest scene kid EVER!!!!! Kthxbai haha
by Thepreppyscenester June 20, 2006
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