1 definition by The_mythified_myth

A super shy guy, handsome(but he doesn't believe it), has a great smile, a good heart and a fair sense of humor too, different (random) personalities at different times, He tends to be an introvert when he's with outsiders and an extrovert with his friends; like he talks a lot with their friends (a lot) and crawls back into his shell when he meet people they don't know, He's not too tall, not too short he doesn't really know how to approach ladies(just keeps crushing on them and never gets to tell them); yeah, he's that shy and he loves (pop)music a lot
Girl 1: I need a boyfriend, any tips?

Girl 2: You heard of Ojie

Girl 1: No

Girl 2: What are you waiting for then, get yourself an Ojie ASAP
by The_mythified_myth February 4, 2020
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