1 definition by The_DUUDE

unlike the discriptions from the little fanboys underneath this post.
The ps3 is great gaming console and blu ray player, it now costs as much as a xbox 360 and is garanteed not to die in less then a week, unlike the 360, unless ofcourse u drop it, then that would make u stupid. this system doesnt overheat, infact it can be on for 2 days and no overheat. Has a strange design, the controller has a batman batarang shape, but who the hell gives a shit, we're talking about the console not the controller, the 360 controller looks like a bigger batarang, so no difference. The new games coming out for ps3 are straight up awesome and original. Its a game console, and then some.
ps3 owner: dude, lets play on my ps3
XBOX 360 OWNER: its fucking cold at ur house man.
ps3 owner: bring over ur heater then.
xbox 360 owner: what?
ps3 owner: the one with the red lights and that big X.
xbox 360 owner: thats my xbox 360
ps3 owner: yeah that.
by The_DUUDE August 9, 2010
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