1 definition by TheShockingTruth

The 1980s is the most overrated decade of all time. Here's why:

1. The music consisted of those annoying keyboard sounds with that electric synth Pop sound. The beats were all techno with no bass sound to them. The best artist of the decade would most definitely be Michael Jackson because he was ahead of his time.

2. According to facts, the sitcom genre was pretty much pronounced dead until The Cosby Show premiered. The Cosby Show was the best sitcom in the 80s because the other shows were basically American shows that would cast only one African American cast member.

3. The fashion was a DISASTER. Nobody matched. Even people who grew up in the 80s are embarassed by the things they did at the time and the things they wore.

4. The movies were extremely cheesy, with the exception of The Color Purple.

5. The 80s started the whole AIDS epidemic, and that caused a fear in people.

6. Drugs were used heavily in the 80s. People just acted as if they didn't give a crap, kind of like they do in this millenium.

7. Although rap was new in the 80s, it was mostly corny, with the exception a few rappers.

To sum up everything, basically the 80s was defined by Michael Jackson, The Cosby Show, and the whole drug revolution. The 80s were better than the 2000s, but they surely weren't better than the 1990s.
by TheShockingTruth August 26, 2011
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