1 definition by TheRachetest

Literal Translation: "Wrecked". Origin: Presumably inspired by pop superstar Miley Cyrus' hit single "I came in like a wrecking ball". Variant of "pwned". Meaning has overtones of clinical detachment not found in "pwned" (no element of gloating). In common parlance, especially on online images-boards and middle-school "cool kid" gossip corners, used to note a trouncing of wrecking ball magnitude of one person by another person. Can also be used to describe the wasted state of a person with enumeratively multi-digit quantities of high-proof ethanolic beverages percolating through their liver. Such a person is likely to become a human "wrecking ball".

Word popular among hip youths.
Def. 1
Interlocutor 1: "Hurr durr argument"
Interlocutor 2: "Counterargument of column toppling, brick shaking magnitude"
Observer (person 3): "reKt"

Def. 2
"Sauced (insert Greek fraternity letters of choice here) bro knocks, spills dresser-top collection of forgotten SOLO party cups onto hardwood floor"
Bystander: "reKt (in reference to fraternity dude's blotto state)"
by TheRachetest September 6, 2014
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