1 definition by TheHighGround237

Noelanis shouldn't be taken for granted. They are the most kind hearted souls you will ever meet in you're lifetime, not to mention the most stunning creatures that ever existed! Seriously, one look from their eyes and you're instantly melted and dont even get me started on their smiles!!! They dont like corndogs, or all that healthy stuff on burgers and dont ever feed them eggs or bacon, they just wont eat it! Make sure they always get their sleep and listen to just the right amount of Broadway Music. Some Noelanis go into deep hibernation and sleep for days even. If u ever come across with any Noelanis...do us both a favor and never stop loving her! They deserve the world, possibly more!
Noelani! Another day waisted on sleep?! That's ok tho. You're the best person I've ever met(: I'm so glad you're in my life!
by TheHighGround237 February 9, 2020
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