1 definition by TheBlueHipster

Sacklings are a species most commonly native to Craftworld. Sacklings can go by various different names: Such being: Sackpeople, sackfolk or even craftlings. This species can be identified easily by their almost ragdoll appearance and large zipper running down their chest. Similar to a homemade plush, sack people can be crafted with various different materials! The most common being knitted brown. Not to be confused with a voodoo doll; sacklings represent pureness, joy, and creativity. They are even said to be stuffed with fluff and occasionally ice cream.

(Sacklings can be found in the popular video game series: Little Big Planet by MM Studios and Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Of all the creatures in the imagisphere, non are as rare or wonderific as sacklings.
by TheBlueHipster October 23, 2020
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