1 definition by TheB.A.M.Fdude

Person 1:I went to every exam except for one.
Person 2: Which one?
Person 1: Indonesian
Person 2: Oh you're such a B.A.M.F

Person 1: Hey your brother is such a B.A.M.F

Person 1: AHHH! it's a bird, i'm so scared of them.
Person 2: Feed one, be a B.A.M.F

Person 1: I'm a Bitch.
Person 2: That's a B.A.M.F thing to say

Person 1: What did you get into jail for?
Person 2: I took a shit on my hand and rub it on the building
Person 1: Oh, you a Bad Ass Mother Fucker
Person 2: You mean a B.A.M.F
by TheB.A.M.Fdude September 30, 2010
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