1 definition by The-Masked-Mustache

Means "blessing" in Tamil, one of the ancient languages of this world, and if you ever meet this kid you'll see just how well this name fits him, cause when you meet him you know you've been blessed by (God/gods/a mysterious force/something else) with the lifelong friendship of one of the most amazing people there is. This boy may not seem like much on the outside ;D his lack of muscle of confidence can seem misleading, but he can make you laugh or smile anytime, anywhere, and could you up on saddest day of your life, or could probably even prevent you from ever having a worst day of your life. He's cheerful, outgoing, sociable, friendly, but can be serious when he needs to be, and is 100% trustworthy. You'd be hardpressed to find a better friend than him.

Oh, and lets not forget his charm and ability to get the ladies ;)
In a bar
Manly man: Hey there, ladies *flashes smile*
*Ladies all swoon*
All the other guys in the bar: Dam, I wish i was an aseervatham like that kid, I heard he got married to Shriya Saran, the lucky bastard.

Friend 1: My life is over!! *cries*
Friend 2: *funny yet comforting comment that I am not allowed to divulge, since this person has patented his statement =/*
Friend 1: *cheerful now* D'awwwww, your such an Aseervatham!
by The-Masked-Mustache August 20, 2011
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