3 definitions by The Wads

To expel the spinal cord from a rodent (post-mortem) by flushing fluids with a modified needle and syringe through the spinal column. A method used in biopharmaceutical research for collecting spinal cord tissue.

I jeuked 20 guinea pig cords today.
by The Wads April 13, 2007
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To thoroughly clean one's teeth before visiting the dentist for a teeth cleaning.
I ate a bag of Oreo's and then committed precrestination before going to my dentist appointment.
by The Wads January 24, 2007
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To thoroughly clean one's teeth before visiting the dentist for a teeth cleaning.
I ate a bag of Oreo's and then committed precrestination before going to my dentist appointment.
by The Wads April 13, 2007
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