1 definition by The Swish

Also known as a Swishy or a Swisher or Swishin or swished or Swishing

The best basketball shot ever! Nothing but net baby....

Swish refers to being SHIT OUT OF LUCK

Also known as a little bastard, little shit or little fucker.

Swish is another verion for being very cool or hot

Swish is what you scream when you are pissed at something.

A breed of a dog, Miniture Pinchur, also know as a Min Pin.

A Swish is a type of dog that is known to be the life of the party. Crazy, uncontrollable, shit everywhere, piss everywhere, curious, playful, barker, leaper, funny, soft, furry, ect.

A swish is your own version of a snuggy

A Swish is what happens when your clothes or furniture have holes in them.
That Swishy is so cute.

Ahhh, Swishy!!!

What a little swish you are!!!

I am so swish

You are looking swishin tonight

I need to get a swish for a pet

You just swished all over

My leather couch just got swished.

I am so swish now.

My clothes were swished
by The Swish February 5, 2010
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