1 definition by The Souz

A reputedly large herd of herbivorous animals that grazes the underground pastures of Robinson Hall. In the early years of their formation, BLC "hung out" on the back left corner (BLC) of a certain bridge, hence their christening. BLC are neither feared nor hated, but merely left alone to chew their cud and play chill music. They are widely thought to be a large herd, but in reality core BLC consists of four or five alpha males and a rotating cast of mates. They have a unique reputation and are all as close to each other as Frodo to Samwise. Their only natural predators are the dashing, august creatures known as the FSU gang.
Hey man, wanna go chill with BLC?
Nah, man, let's not hang with BLC; I've heard enough Jack Johnson this week.
by The Souz May 29, 2010
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