2 definitions by The Sheriff

1. A modifier creating a new phrase or word, generally a positive. (Usually associated with the word "bomb")

2. A suffix used to imply diggitiness or diggiliciousness of a word

3. Suffix used with the word "no" creating the phrase "no-diggity".
1. "That shit is the bomb-diggity": Meaning, that the shit in question is indeed "the bomb" to the highest power of diggiliciousness.

2. "No-diggity": Meaning "without a doubt" or "unquestionabally true"
by The Sheriff March 18, 2005
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Really hot girl. In the top 5 of hottest girls you’ll ever see
Guy: Excuse me ma’am, but I think you’re top 5

Woman: top 5?

Guy: you’re in the top of hottest women I’ve ever seen!
by The Sheriff January 17, 2018
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