9 definitions by The Ripper

This is nasty slang for abortion. In other words, a fetus that would be (or is) so unwelcome that the woman wants to flush it down the toilet. Origin comes from homemade abortions and how to dispose of the ejected fetus.
"Hey, remember that shithead I handed the condom to, the guy who pretended to be wearing it but then barebacked me?"
"Well, I missed my period; and sure enough, I've got a flusher."
by The Ripper January 13, 2005
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The type of guilt (remorse for misdeed) felt when capture/punishment is imminent. It's not that the misdeed itself is regretted due to realization that it was wrong, but only because the person is unwilling/unable to accept the consequences. Term comes from the colloquial and the legal system ("felon").
The thief was not sorry she stole; but was very, very sorry she was going to prison.
by The Ripper March 26, 2005
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