1 definition by The PAUNCHOS

Adjective, Verb; 1:The cool/nice way in which one presents himself/herself. Such as Swag. 2: The statement of something's cool being. 3: Pauning verb; to act as a pawn from chess, standing on random obstacles. 4: Paunplacement verb; to replace words in songs or everyday life.
1: "Wow Man your looking very PAUN today."
2: "Dude that trick is so PAUN!"
3: " Bro, I was Pauning all up and down the park today!"
4: (singing)"We found PAUN in a hopeless place!"

"Dude what the heck was that. You just replaced the word love in that song with PAUN!"

"I know bro. It's called Paunplacement."
by The PAUNCHOS January 27, 2012
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