1 definition by The Last Individual

Rude boys, along with Townies and Chavs are basically a bunch of no-hopers that are steadily on the increase in Britain. They are losers who aspire to ridiculously dressed rap artists such as 50 Cent who give off a completely inaccurate portrayal of American Ghettoes. The modern British rude boy is almost always born into a middle or upper class family and have a perfect upbringing. When they reach their teens they will, in a sorry attempt to rebel against their horribly sheltered upbringing, start speaking and dressing like idiots. They will pay little or no attention to their education and begin smoking and doing other light drugs by the time they reach Y9 at secondary school. In actuality underprivileged children who are brought up in real Ghettoes would embrace an education as a chance to escape from the harsh gun-culture that they are forced into. British rude boys waste the middle-class opportunities they are blessed with and ruin their lives.

Rude boys hate anyone who does not conform to this stereotype. Anyone who shows any signs of individuality and doesn’t enjoy listening to 50 Cent, Tupac or even Blazin' Squad (A bunch of teenage pricks with abnormally small heads and a fixation with prostitutes who probably all went to Oxford and whose parents own villas in the south of France).

I could go on...but I wont 'cos this definition could turn into a novel.

So, to summarise. A rude boy is the very epitome of British conformism and cowardice.

They are scum.
RUDE BOY: "I lost my virginity to a hooker when I was 12, I smoke 'cos I’m gangsta!"
INDIVIDUAL: "Sure you did Eugene...we all believe you."
by The Last Individual February 11, 2005
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