3 definitions by The Few

A female resembling a crack whore who hangs out along the street side, usually in seedy to middle and upper class neighborhoods, begging for attention, more than likely through munchausin syndrome, also molestation and/ or being born in Orange County and surrounding areas in California. She is willing to do anything to further her social standings including sexual favors, lieing, snitching, stealing etc.
Person 1~ " So what happened with you and your ex?"
Me~" She turned out to be a curb cricket just like the rest of them!"
by The Few June 6, 2014
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A female resembling a crack whore who hangs out along the street side, usually in seedy to middle and upper class neighborhoods, begging for attention, more than likely through munchausin syndrome, also molestation and/ or being born in Orange County and surrounding areas in California. She is willing to do anything to further her social standings including sexual favors, lieing, snitching, stealing etc.
Person 1~ " So what happened with you and your ex?"
Me~" She turned out to be a curb cricket just like the rest of them!"
by The Few June 6, 2014
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This is an author for urbandictionary.com. I have decided I want to murder this person for his/her ignorant comments about Kurt Cobain. I never thought I would see the day when someone would talk about him like he was nothing. PMax-live as long as you can.
PMax should be more careful about the words that slip from under his tongue.
by The Few December 13, 2010
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