1 definition by The Digital Breed

Synonym for Smooth.

The state of extreme Swayzeness. Swazy behavior in an individual is usually demonstrated by:

- fluidic movements that may lead you to believe this person has no bones or nervous system

- the complete lack of bodily hair that allows them to avoid wind resistance and retain their cool

- the strict avoidance of any sudden outburst in emotion or reaction to situations that would normally elicit unswayze/ unsmooth behavior

- a self-acknowledgement that they are Swayzier/smoother than every one around them
Note: achieving such a level of smoothness/Swayzyness is normally obtained through a process called “smoothing up” or "Swayzing up".
1) "Hey man, you see that Ray Allen jumpshot?

"Yeah, that was swayze"

2) "Dude, where is Ray Allen, he's been on the bench for like fifteen minutes!"

"Don't worry.. he's just swayzing up."

3) Police Officer: "Sorry Mr Allen, I'm going to have to give you a ticket, you were speeding"

Ray Allen: "That's cool"

Police Officer: "Man you're swayze"
by The Digital Breed August 22, 2013
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