2 definitions by The Chern

A special-order hamburger from Wendy's consisting of six meat patties. Often the massive nature of the sextuple requires the diner to bring his or her head down to the burger, rather than bring the burger to his or her mouth. Wendy's charges the equivilant of two triples (three-patty burgers). Often eaten to mark special occassions, milestones.
A: Were you able to finish the sextuple?
M: I ate the vast majority.
A: Well, you get an E for effort.
by The Chern November 15, 2006
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1) The act of existing while being extremely obese

2) The uncontrollable existence and unhindered motion of fat on one's body.
All those fat people were globulating all over the McDonalds.


He was globulating while watching T.V.


She was cute, but she was kind of globulating around the waist.
by The Chern November 15, 2006
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