1 definition by ThatOneMaartensGirlfriend69

A Maarten is a boy who is probably smart,sweet,caring,funny,brave,nice and also attractive or hot asf.

He can be an arrogant jerk, an idiot or an asshole but if you get know him very well.

He can make you smile and feel like your world revolves around him.

Anyone can agree that he makes an absolute perfect boyfriend and a caring friend.

He also have a sense of dark humor.

A maarten will always or sometimes be there for you if youre feeling sad

(it depends on if they are busy or not).
Many girls would like him because a Maarten is attractive or hot asf.
Friend 1: Hey, I need to talk to u about that one boy i met earlier. He is an idiot but he was also attractive for some reason.

Friend 2: Ohh i see, whats his name?

Friend 1: His name is Maarten.

Friend 2: Ofc hes a Maarten. They literally attractive asf for somehow and i dont know why.
by ThatOneMaartensGirlfriend69 November 19, 2021
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