1 definition by That bitch ;)

Basically it’s the fear of saliva.

This is when even the thought of spit repulses someone to the very core of their existence.

If someone with queunliskanphobia where to be licked/spat on/ teased or anything to do with spit, there is an instant reaction of repulse and gag reflexes are at a high.

The phobia gets really complicated and unfortunate when it comes to the simplest things like sharing drinks or food and being intimate with the people you close to and/or love.

And for the love of God please don’t tease people with queunliskanphobia. It could really damage a person and scar them and could even cause panic attacks.
Person 1: She doesn’t even kiss her parents nevertheless her boyfriend

Person 2: yeah bitch that’s because she got queunliskanphobia. You wouldn’t like it if I locked you in a room with your claustrophobic ass would you. So stop teasing her.
by That bitch ;) November 6, 2020
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