1 definition by Thaliaswe33


An extremely kind hearted and beautiful girl. She is much stronger and braver than she lets on. She’s kinda mysterious and hard to figure out completely. She is curious and fiercely independent although she can sometimes be stubborn and stuck in her own ways. She’s the kinda person who genuinely cares about other people. She can be shy at first, but once she warms up to you, she'll come out of her shell. Fabiana's are the kind of people who hate confrontation and stay far away from drama, but she tends to be very defensive of herself. She is well-rounded and has a good head on her shoulders, but is doubtful of her abilities. Typically, she is both athletic and good at school.
Girl: Hey do you remember that girl Fabiana?
Boy: Of course I do, she's unforgettable
by Thaliaswe33 June 12, 2018
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