1 definition by Th3R3alAtlasHill

1. Noun. A book filled with maps

2. Noun. A titan from Greek mythology. as punishment for his crimes, he must hold up the earth (though in some cases he hold up the sky) both the earth and sky are in love and if they ever meet again they'll destroy everything in between

3. Adjective. from Greek etymology most likely meaning "hard enduring"

4. Noun. A highly common name used for naming businesses as well as people

E.X. Atlas mason jars ,Cloud Atlas (movie), Atlas (created by Jack Kirby), Atlas brand, condoms as well as many businesses which mostly work in the selling of building materials.
1. Grandmother; "honey could you grab that atlas? I'm trying to figure out how far Cleveland is"

2. bro1 "did you hear when Ms. Wilson told us about Atlas?"

bro2 "hell yeah. that poser must've been ripped"

3. N/A

4. I swear we've passed something named "Atlas " every 5 minutes. I'm sick of it. how much longer until we get to Cleveland?
by Th3R3alAtlasHill July 17, 2016
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