1 definition by Tanksilver

A social group typically in their mid 20's to early 30's, Hipsters are an offshoot of Gen Y thought to derive from a class of disgruntled upper-middle-class suburbanites, frustrated with the lack of culture that comes with having a life devoid of poverty. Disenfranchised in their youth by the Abercrombie generation, Hipsters-with the support of generous trust funds-propagated into various cultural centers around the country, and proceeded to replace the endemic and unique qualities of such areas with urban outfitters, american apparels, buffalo exchanges, and a host of Pho noodle joints and falafel stands. Thus, while Hipsters pride themselves on being mainstream contrarians, they in fact unwittingly create a "sub-culture" as large and annoying as the one they rail against.
Hipster 1: Hey check out how this new filter on my Hispstamatic App makes my photos reflect my artistic and brooding qualities!!
Hipster 2: oh wow man! You should totally take a picture of this PBR can an put it on Fbook!!
Hipster 3: Have you heard the new Bon Iver?
by Tanksilver June 23, 2011
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