1 definition by T-roid

A non-specific noun that be used in place any other, (see thing, nodule) although it's most common when requesting an item in the possession of a fellow dudeth, accompanied by a nod of the head or a gesture in the direction of said article. It can also be used to refer to the persons themselves.
Originally "troid", and variations thereof, were concieved as alternative endings to pre-existing nouns - such as lightroid, splifftoid, rizloid, etc.

All variations are usually shortened to the simpler, "troid" between the hours of midnight and dawn.
1) Steven: Can you pass the troid? I need to spark this troid.

2) Daniel: Hey Steeroid, I can't find the troid, 'roid.

Steven: Don't worry, Troid. I just found some troids.
by T-roid December 11, 2009
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