1 definition by Swushi

n. An infamous variation of both the shart and the silent-but-deadly. Only occurring in menstruating women, this fart requires no extra push to get it out- it just glides under and through the inner labia and, if present, onto the pad, taking some period blood with it. Some say that this is actually a period queef, but either way, it stinks. The odor can vary. Sometimes it smells of rotten period, dead fish, sulfur, or even a combination of the three. It varies from vagina to vagina.

v. To expel a period fart (see above).
A couple is having a romantic dinner.

Man: "Are you on your period?"

Woman *period fart* "No, of course not!"

Man: "OH HOLY SHIT YES YOU ARE!" *passes out*
by Swushi November 3, 2009
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