3 definitions by Suzanne Greene

Someone who, 6 days a week, is a devout vegetarian, but when it comes to Sunday Brunch, looks the other way while drinking a Bloody Mary - Bloody Mary's almost always have Worcestershire sauce, which contains fish.
Jenn officially became a Bloody Marytarian Sunday morning after a long night of drinking - even though she's been a vegetarian for 5 years!
by Suzanne Greene October 3, 2007
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A person who normally is vegan, e.g. eats no meat or dairy, but will eat a non-vegan cookie any time.
Amy tried to be vegan for a month, but went cookie vegan after her grandmother cooked her favorite oatmeal raisin cookies.
by Suzanne Greene October 3, 2007
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A person who normally is vegan, e.g. eats no meat or dairy, but will eat a non-vegan cookie any time.
Amy tried to be vegan for a month, but went cookie vegan after her grandmother cooked her favorite oatmeal raisin cookies.
by Suzanne Greene October 3, 2007
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