2 definitions by Suavebast

"After beating the Warriors, I became the greatest basketball player of all time"

"I think you might have an inflated ego."

"Shut the fuck up I'm Lebron James"
by Suavebast January 5, 2019
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When you feel really good, but not the greatest you've ever felt. Dece derives from the abbreviation of decent, which obviously means satisfactory- or slightly above. There is a point in between feeling decent- and feeling tremendous, which is actually the MOST desired state of human existence. Average isn't good enough, and tremendous is the point (height) at which only a comedown will ensue (you can't get any better) Thus tremendece trumps all. Also known as 'the Cusp' or 'Cusping'
Dude I'm feeling tremendece.. I'm about to Cusp!
by Suavebast December 30, 2015
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