2 definitions by Stevo B

The joy one feels when bad things happen to other people.


The act of deriving pleasure from someone else's misfortune.

Orgin = German: Schaden, damage (from Middle High German schade, from Old High German scado) + Freude, joy (from Middle High German vreude, from Old High German frewida, from fr, happy).
An sense of schadenfreude came over me as I watched a Chevy Suburban with a "W" bumpersticker pull into a gas station advertising $3.89 per gallon.
by Stevo B May 4, 2006
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The joy one feels when bad things happen to other people.


The act of deriving pleasure from someone else's misfortune.

Orgin = German: Schaden, damage (from Middle High German schade, from Old High German scado) + Freude, joy (from Middle High German vreude, from Old High German frewida, from fr, happy).
An sense of schadenfreude came over me as I watched a Chevy Suburban with a "W" bumpersticker pull into a gas station advertising $3.89 per gallon.
by Stevo B May 4, 2006
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