3 definitions by Steven W Palmer

Name given to a person who consistently posts articles and warnings on social media that are clearly hoaxes or bullshit, when it would only take them 2 minutes to check the veracity on google. An amalgamation of the words 'gullible'and 'fud' (Although "fud" is widely accepted in Scotland as being a slang term for the female reproductive organs, it is generally used as a pejorative to describe someone who has just done something stupid, often in situations where they've either been impulsive or it was blindingly obvious beforehand that it was a stupid thing to do. It can also be used to describe someone who irritates everyone because they try to impress everyone all the time & invariably talk a load of pish)
'Oi Gary ya gullifud. Will you stop posting crap about instant noodles being coated in wax on facebook please?'
by Steven W Palmer February 20, 2014
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Term used in the Asian media world to describe a publisher or editor who writes swathes of articles by copying and pasting from other sources. Named after Malaysian media magnate, Mohan Tirvgmanasam Banddam, owner of the Khmer Times in Cambodia, who was unmasked as having written over 20 editorial articles which were all plagiarised. Mohanist avoids the confusion over British v American spelling of plagiarised and is now often used by many expat journalists in the region.
Terry is a flagrant Mohanist. That piece he wrote last week was almost an exact copy of an article in December's 'Bangkok Post'.
by Steven W Palmer January 29, 2016
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A popular synonym used to describe extremely deviant sexual behaviour, often involving small mammals, household objects, and large amounts of lard.
I see Hughes has been at the Rhyl again. The poor squirrel is now at the vet's.

After a few buckets of cheap cider, Adam enjoyed a bit of Rhyl on a Saturday night
by Steven W Palmer August 13, 2019
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