11 definitions by Steak

(n) one who is slow, extremely fat on the inside, and/or cannot admit to his obvious whiteness
Man, that short, slow, fat on the inside kid who can't admit to his obvious whiteness is deffinantly a CoreyU!
by Steak February 4, 2004
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A fucking moron. Knows only common sense. Repeats everything a million times. This person is an idiot.
Cathy Bular is a moron.
by Steak December 4, 2003
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Python is a powerful high-level interpreted language. Python's design is notably clean, elegant, and well thought through; it tends to attract the sort of programmers who find Perl grubby and exiguous.
print "Hello World"
by Steak July 24, 2003
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The Hug Given To another person when the Giver of the hug has Hairy Nipples
All I wanted was a Hug, But I find out it was a Huggy that I recieved.
by Steak January 5, 2005
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