1 definition by Spencer O’Rielly

Someone who is so incredibly obnoxious that they make one’s stomach turn (or make one ‘gag’). This type of person could have delusional tendencies, grandiose behavior, be a pathological liar, may have a tendency to exaggerate and alienate one’s friends.

If someone does or acts in such a behavior or displays this behavior one could be acting like a GG or doing a GG. Also, if one sees behavior that displays these qualities they could want to GG (gag due to seeing this particular type of behavior)

Lady #1: Oh, Carol is so mean! Did you see how she yelled at me like that? Lady #2: Girl, don’t you be pulling a GG on me, you know she didn’t yell!

John Doe: Did you meet Tom at the board meeting last night? I almost GG’d after listening to him go on and on about himself.
by Spencer O’Rielly October 24, 2008
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