2 definitions by Speczial K

the opposite of just the tip. this is what you say when your girlfriend/wife/one-night stand thinks that "just the tip" is unclassy, rude, or chauvinist. If she declines your offer of "just the tip" with a disapproving scowl, you then proceed to ask her, "how about just the shaft?" In order to carry out just the shaft, you must pull a u-turn.
I told dat bitch I would do just the tip - and she said "hell no, you pig!" So, I said alright baby, how about I pull a u-turn and we do just the shaft?
by Speczial K January 22, 2012
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to bend your erect penis backwards, into a U-shape, for the purpose of fucking someone with just the shaft, explicitly not using the tip.
Sharon didn't want to play a game of just the tip because she "knew how that was going to end up," so I opted to pull a u-turn and gave her just the shaft instead.
by Speczial K April 21, 2016
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