2 definitions by Someone1923736727172737

When the guy is giving anal the girl clenches her ass cheeks and turns on bro her back while the guy stays straight snapping his penis in half
Bro what happened to your penis are you trans or something”
Nahhhhh I tried the penis snapper
by Someone1923736727172737 February 4, 2020
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Means a male or transgender female with over 20 stone of fat has a constant dropping peice of fat from their stomach over their penis acting as a flab condom,
There is a negative however as people with a flan condom can run too fast and have constant orgasms from their penis rubbing off the flab condom
“Is the 100 metre hurting you that bad that you have to keep moaning”
“Nah bro it’s a flab condom
by Someone1923736727172737 February 4, 2020
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