1 definition by Somene

A show on G4 where wives/husbands or boyfriends/girlfriends put thier lovers under hidden cameras to reveal the truth. Although entertaning to the point where I nearly die from laughter when they "confront" the cheaters it gives them no right whatsoever to invade people's privacy an tape them kissing etc.

I guess the cheaters deserve it, but dude, lets not break the law...
Cheater: Dude, I am like, a jerk...but you guys are just plain bullies. I will sue you guys!

Cheaters host: On second thought...this was all a joke...we-we just wanted to see if you wanted a free sample...kthanxbye!

*The cheaters crew ran off in fear of being sued at this point in time*
by Somene December 6, 2007
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