3 definitions by Some 15 year old black kid...

1. The nervous feeling you get when you're walking past or toward a group of black/white males or females hoping not to recieve any type of racial slur or some form of injustice because people hate you for what they have HEARD about your people.
1. While walking toward a group of black men with their pants sagging you try desperately to change directions or not make eye contact because you've felt the nervousness of White and Black Tension.

2. While walking up to a group of white men with their heads shavedyou try desperately to look tough by speedily sagging your pants because you've felt the nervousness of White and Black Tension.
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1. Someone who puts up racist comments against Any race because they can't stand their own life.

2. What youtube turns into when people decide to act like slavery and WW2 is still happening.
This is why everyone hates niggers.

KenDzel2 @LivingHumanoidInterf
What the fuck is wrong with you?!!! This is why "Niggers" hate the dumb white guy who can't learn to destinguish one person from an entire race. Why the fuck would one black man make you hate us entirely. Fuckin hate racist people.

LivingHumanoidInterf @KenDzel2
Who cares what niggers hate? I hardly even care about the opinions of humans, why would I care about what apes think?

KenDzel2 @LivingHumanoidInterf
It's real easy to call someone an ape on youtube isnt it? Do you finally feel tough? I guess your fear of black people decipates after you've sayed nigger a few times on the computer huh? Well, I could stay here and rant but I have better things to do than argue with a Nazi.

(Actual argument I had with a Nazi on Nazi-Tube.....Nothing edited)
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A fight happening in the comment section of a youtube video usually because someone decided to troll and another decided to answer. This act can continue on and on for hours, with the combatients calling eachothers fags, and saying they fucked eachothers moms.
Carl692: The 360 sucks balls!!! :)

N00B360: Fuck you bitch your mom sucked my balls, fag!!

Carl692: Bitch ass, cock munching faggot.

KenDzel: You guys are arguing on youtube. Just end the Youtube Bickery cause you both have over 20 thumbs down.
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