1 definition by Slizzyoh

A pagan diety worshipped in ancient times.

When not drawing her power from mass gatherings, now commonly known as concerts, she nefariously devours mens souls by luring them with her honey-like voice and jumping on them to feast with her amphibious capabilities.

Symptoms of being possessed by her include walking into oncoming traffic, releasing evil spirits (or gas) and repetitive falling as if the devil himself was trying to drag her back to hell for himself.
Dude 1:Bro i accidentally whispered “extra spicy with chipotle” three times in the bathroom last night and this demon crawled out the shower asking me for my umbrella

Dude 2: Oh you saw a Yogmaya bro leave the water running next time and she’ll dissapear.
by Slizzyoh December 24, 2019
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